Lous and the Yakuza: “Interpol”

Lous and the Yakuza:

As evidenced by her stage name, Lous, the verlan of Soul, and for the rest she explains ” Yakuza” means “losers”, because I defend the cause of the marginalized, the blacks, who have always been considered criminals” . If determination had a face, it would be hers (sublime by the way). Lous experienced exile, her native Congo being at war, Rwanda and its genocide, Belgium as a land of welcome, the street, and yet, it is standing tall and head held high that she explodes with this first single, Dilemma :

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And if I also praise her extreme tenacity (if that wasn’t enough) it’s because Lous is a hard worker. Open quotation marks: “ I was conscious of not having talent…. It does not matter, it was my vocation. And, as the voice is a muscle, I told myself that I just had to work”. To produce his first album, Lous called on El Guincho, a collaborator of Rosalia, and the 10 tracks were released in 2020.

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Explanation of text: “I define my music as the endless search for truth. I called this album ‘Gore’, because sometimes things are so violent, atrocious, bloody and absurd that they almost become funny”.

In 2021, Lous and the Yakuza is nominated for the Victoires de la Musique, revelation category. Her music goes beyond European borders, the actress Issa Rae (to whom we owe, among other things, the series Insecure) shares one of his songs on the networks and Lous also provides the first parts of Alicia Keys.

His second album, Iotacame out a few months ago, “This Iota symbolizes what remains of my past love stories, she says, whether friendly, family or sentimental”.

Category “love that consumes”, we knew Hiroshima :

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To tell the lack, there is now Interpol by Lous and the Yakuza:

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Interpol excerpt from the album Iota by Lous and the Yakuza.