Published on March 27, 2023 at 11:12 am

The IGPN has announced the opening of 17 judicial inquiries since the start of the mobilization against the pension reform. – ©Maxence Pira/Unsplash
Agnès Thibault-Lecuivre, director of the IGPN, announced the opening of 17 judicial inquiries since the start of the mobilization against the pension reform, Sunday March 26.
The General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN) has been seized of 17 judicial inquiries since the start of the protests against the pension reform. “Since January 19 we have had 17 legal proceedings,” said Agnès Thibault-Lecuivre, Sunday March 26 on the set of BFMTV, specifying that this figure is “scalable”.
Friday, March 24, the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, had mentioned only eleven investigations opened by the IGPN “for a week”. The referrals have greatly accelerated since the national demonstration on Thursday March 23 against the pension reform and the use of Article 49-3 of the Constitution.
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“As a citizen, terribly shocked”
“There was a change in nature, particularly radicalized individuals who were not on the first national days of action,” explained Agnès Thibault-Lecuivre. “De facto, this change of nature, this change of atmosphere, this radicalization, we find it in our referrals,” she said.
The trained magistrate was asked to comment on the threatening and humiliating remarks attributed to members of the decried BRAV-M unit towards young demonstrators. She said she was “as a citizen, terribly shocked”. The affair was revealed by “Médiapart” in the form of a damning recording. “These abuses are destructive for the National Police institution” and “casts opprobrium on all the other services and police officers in the field who are exemplary”, she regretted.
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Under the influence of “fatigue”
Guest of CNews on Friday March 24, after the national day of mobilization, Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior tried to justify the violence involving the police: “It may be that, individually, the police and the gendarmes, often under the fatigue, commit acts which are not in accordance with what they have been taught in training and ethics, “he said, calling” in these cases to punish them “.
The intensification of violence between demonstrators and security forces has not spared journalists. “Several journalists covering demonstrations have been victims of violent behavior by the police, even abusive measures, such as unjustified police custody”, also alerted Reporters Without Borders (RSF) last Friday, March 24 in an official press release. The NGO asks the Minister of the Interior to recall the obligation of the security forces “to protect journalists and their rights during public events. »