How to “educate in the media” today?

How to

In this program Louise Tourret invites you to come back to what is called information education, while the Liaison Center for Education and Information Media, CLEMI, celebrates its 40th anniversary, and the annual press and media week begins at school. How the news and the emotions it provokes – last year it was about the war in Ukraine, this year about the social movement against pensions and it is still possible to evoke the covid or the yellow vests – can become a subject of conversation and reflection in class, while the Minister of Education calls for the generalization of EMI (information education). What are the resources for teachers according to the level of education? What is the specific role of librarian teachers who deal more specifically with this subject? And what can be the role of journalists, more and more of whom are working with students in schools?

Louise Tourret in debate with her guests, teachers, journalists, and researchers, who have been working on the issue for many years: Anne Cordierformer librarian professor, university professor in information and communication sciences at the University of Lorraine, researcher at the Center for Research on Mediations, co-responsible for the Master SIDOC Meef Documentation in Nancy, author of

Grow Connected (C & F Editions, 2015) and

Growing Up Informed: The Information Practices of Children, Adolescents and Young Adults (C & F Editions, to appear in May), Sophie Boquet, librarian teacher at college (academy of Rouen), Isabelle Feroc-Dumezscientific and pedagogical director of the

CLEMI (Center for Media and Information Education), lecturer in Information and Communication Sciences at the University of Poitiers and member of the laboratory

Techne (Digital Technologies for Education), Marion Thibaultdirector of the AFP (Agence France-Presse) office in Montreal, member of the board of directors of the media and information education association Between the lines, And Bernard Heizmann, former professor-librarian at the ESPÉ de Lorraine and former head of preparation for the internal competition in the Nancy-Metz academy, co-author with Elodie Royer of

The librarian professor (Canopy Network, 2019).

To be and to know

58 mins