Mega-basins: why does this project crystallize tensions?

Even if it results from an optical effect, the event is as rare as it is spectacular. No less than five planets of our Solar System as well as the Moon will align for two days. Good news, of course, for all astronomy enthusiasts. A little less, on the other hand, for astrology enthusiasts. And especially in France. For what ? Because it is difficult to see, in reality, how this alignment of the planets, however exceptional, could be favorable in one way or another to the government as well as to the social climate. Witness this weekend of extreme violence during the demonstrations in Deux-Sèvres around the water reserve under construction in Sainte-Soline. The results are edifying: a demonstrator between life and death, two others seriously injured as well as two gendarmes “in relative emergency”. In total some 4,000 grenades were fired by the police to respond to molotov cocktails. In short, a scene which this morning still looks like a real battlefield.
And these events obviously raise questions about the strategy deployed both by the most radical demonstrators and by the police.

We understand that each of the two camps now accuses the other of having fired first. The fact remains that last October a similar demonstration, also prohibited, had also already given rise to clashes of extreme violence.
Finally, it is an opportunity to recall that a total of sixteen mega basin projects are currently being implemented by some 400 farmers united in a cooperative, with the support of the State. And when their supporters make it a condition for the survival of farms in the face of the threat of recurring droughts, their opponents denounce the monopolization of water by agro-industry in the era of climate change.

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Guest editor: Jean-Michel Denis, labor sociologist and trade union specialist, associate researcher at the Laboratoire Techniques, Territoires et Sociétés.

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