This country is A Clockwork Orange

Saturday night I watched a little 50 years of disco on France 2, well it made me want to take a baseball bat and smash my TV. But I play tennis, I just have a racket, nobody has ever smashed anything with a racket, that’s why there are few riots that started at Roland-Garros. It has happened in some years that dozens of girls have fled the place screaming “get the hell out of here, PPDA has just arrived, he’s drooling, he’s licking his tongue at random, he’s gone from Suzanne-Lenglen court to central court in making the helicopter with his penis “, but that’s all. The disco evening was for the Sidaction, so I gave, writing “on the other hand, stop that”. Ah, it was creepy, the disco stars, there are 7 left, the others are dead, so there was Patrick Hernandez, he is 73 years old, so his cane is finally starting to serve him. He’s been carrying it around for 50 years for nothing, as if Ingrid Chauvin had her CV when she walks around Hollywood. There was Amanda Lear, who is nice, but her voice has less power than the noise it makes when you blow into an empty beer bottle. I think Zizou can take her from The Voice. There was the Weather Girls, who didn’t even give the weather, and the Gibson Brothers, uh Brother, actually there’s one left. I said to myself “behind them they are going to announce the Jackson One and Jermaine Jackson, who must be in a state of compost, is going to tumble down to sing When the rain begins to fall with the Weather Girls and Evelyne Dhéliat, finally, hell” . The whole animated among others by Vincent Niclo, a gentleman who comes to us from the year 1952, who moreover gave a rant, Nagui, because he is not invited to Taratata, I think that s It wasn’t played very much, on the last one, it was either him or Depeche Mode, I imagine the hesitation. Hole hole, it will be Depeche Mode. The disco on Saturday, it stressed me out, I wanted to defenestrate my TV, but downstairs there are already 700 kilos of garbage, to avoid adding more, I even eat the packaging, the tin cans, all that, now at the Franprix, I ring the doorbell, so I show the security guard a granny saying “she stole something, that old bitch”, and I run away.

Ah yes, because I’m pissed, so very quickly I’m going into a spin, I insult people, there I want to put potatoes in you, luckily we have Artus as a guest, whose hand is once ½ my head, because if we had had Lorant Deutsh or Eric Ciotti, it was whim/brush. We’re all on edge, look at the demonstrations, it’s getting out of hand, the door to Bordeaux town hall was burned down, outside opening hours, what a lack of consideration for the French administration. Respect our traditions. Ah, it pained me to see the eco-friendly mayor, Pierre Hurmic, in front of his burnt door, he looked sad, it made him feel the same as when he’s happy. Ah Pierre Hurmic, he’s not the biggest screw-up, for the kids’ birthday, if you have the choice for the animation between him and a pedophile clown, you say “come on, too bad I’m taking the risk, go for the pedophile clown”. In Paris, it’s also burning, plus each burning trash can is filmed live by BFM, no need for a smoke detector, the firefighters, they follow the journalists and they spray. And seeing that, the viewer, he says to himself “it’s a mess”, he says to his wife “but anyway, look at the brothel, it looks like Afida Turner’s CV”. We even deprogrammed Prince Charles, he’s been looking for a little plan B on Abritel for 3 days to get Camilla out, because she’s the queen consort, but what if she doesn’t go out anymore? And opposite we have what, Olivier Dussopt who in an interview this weekend warns that the 49.3 could be used again soon, he is the guy least capable of calming people down, a psychological support unit run by Dussopt in case shooting in a class, he would say “yes Kevin, Emma, ​​Timéo, your comrades are dead, but in addition, we found your math homework stained with blood, you had 7, 9 and 2, bunch of wankers”. I think Dussopt is crazy, he also said he was gay, no relation, it must be so that we can talk about something else, the guy is ready to sell off his sexual identity just to sell his reform which nobody wants, finally, not according to Elisabeth Borne, who declared “we did what the French expected”. They live in a parallel world, they are up there, it is them that Mark Zuckerberg should have gone to find to make the metaverse.

The rest to listen to and find on video!