Published on March 28, 2023 at 10:49 am

“Hippocrates” season 3: everything we already know – © Denis Manin / June 31 Films / Canal+
After two critically acclaimed seasons, Thomas Lilti’s medical series will soon be back. Filming for the third season of “Hippocrates” has begun.
Good news ! Doubt hovered over a possible third season of “Hippocrates” for a while. The original Canal+ creation will have the right to a sequel. And filming has just started in the Ile-de-France region, informs the encrypted channel in a press release shared on March 27.
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The return of the main cast
For the occasion, most of the key players will return: Louise Bourgoin, Bouli Lanners, Alice Belaïdi, Karim Leklou, Zacharie Chasseriaud and Géraldine Nakkache. Like the film “Hippocrates”, already directed by Thomas Lilti, released in 2014, with Vincnt Lacoste, Reda Kateb or Félix Moati, and the first two seasons of the series, broadcast in 2018 and 2021, the director, screenwriter and doctor s will tackle the hospital crisis from a new angle.
We already know what events the doctors at the Raymond Poincaré hospital will have to face since Canal + shared the synopsis of this new season: “It’s summer. By decision of the health authorities, many hospital departments have been closed and those that remain are overloaded. A strike by SOS Médecins worsens the situation, leaving an entire population without access to healthcare. The patients flock, the tensions are palpable. At the Poincaré hospital, the caregivers quickly realize that the instructions are not tenable and some decide to disobey. »
Season 3 of “Hippocrates” will consist of six 52-minute episodes. No broadcast date has yet been shared by Canal+. The first two seasons are still available on the myCanal platform. Patience, patience.