How to assert yourself without imposing yourself?

As a couple, at work, with friends, in the social interactions that punctuate our day, some fail to assert themselves on a daily basis. Fear of being badly perceived, badly seen, badly judged, fear of not being liked, fear of ridicule…

So how do you assert yourself? And above all, how to cultivate self-affirmation without imposing oneself, without crushing others and without crushing oneself?

How to express one’s needs, affirm one’s rights, one’s desires with respect for others, and without being aggressive?

A balance that is not always easy to find…

But our experts are sharing their advice and their experiences this morning… And they are waiting for your questions and testimonials on the France Inter app.


Afaf Soumri, trainer and consultant. After teaching in BTS, bachelor’s and master’s degrees, she turned to training and consulting in communication, management and personal development. She is also the author of The children, the mirror and Monsieur S. (Le Lys Bleu, 2018), a book for children providing the keys to asserting themselves without imposing themselves. Last December, she received the Visionary Award “Creative Talents” during the Visionary Leaders Annual Summit of Washington, an event at the initiative of the GE7 Initiative. The jury praised his avant-garde spirit and his creative approach in his way of transmitting in training.

Frederic Fanget, psychiatrist and psychotherapist. He has been practicing Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (TCC) for thirty years and teaches at Lyon-I University. Alongside psychiatry, research and teaching, he has published a number of works intended for the general public, including To dare. Self confidence therapy (Odile Jacob, 2003) and Always better ! Psychology of perfectionism (Odile Jacob, 2006). In 2011, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of its publication, Affirm yourself! To live better with others (Odile Jacob, 2002) has been the subject of a new edition, in the collection “Guide to help yourself” directed by Christophe André.

On March 16 appeared the comic strip The club for anxious people who take care of themselves. How to fight anxiety (Les Arènes, 2023), in collaboration with Catherine Meyer (screenwriter and editor) and Pauline Aubry (designer and author of several comic strips).

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and the still relevant questions of Marie-Laure ZonszainCurrent wife

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