The spider’s web | Ep4

The spider's web | Ep4

How did we arrive at this iron glove brought down on Turkey? Result of a veritable ideological web woven over the years that Claude Guibal traces. You will discover how Erdoğan is just a democrat of opportunity who has stifled the democratic, secular, traditional Turkish system. Most sections of civil society have come under its control, with the sole aim of remaining in power indefinitely as a new ottoman sultan. However, his worst nightmare was on the verge of coming true by the failed coup of the night of July 15 to 16, 2016 where he was nearly knocked down.

Erdogan’s opportunist liberalism

Erdoğan understood that to conquer Turkey, his movement had to open up and seduce a liberal electorate and concentrate around him a greater political consensus. This is how, in 2002, his AKP party won a majority, and allowed him to become Prime Minister in 2003. He went against the current of his initial ideological DNA by posing as more European than he is not, by launching democratization reforms, and by initiating unprecedented rapprochements with the Kurds as well as with Armenia. A very selling rhetoric to satisfy the Turkish liberals by simple political opportunism of interior.

The conquest of absolute power

It is important to understand how he has long taken care to maintain his personality culthis authoritarian aspirations by molesting his own party (

AKP), maintaining a network of influence thanks to the support of religious brotherhoods islamic which allow him to win the support of the popular masses. Among them, that of

Fethullah Gulen which does not fail to infiltrate in passing the state machinery.

We will see how Erdoğan’s grip on the country begins to take an overtly more repressive turn after the 2013 protest movement in Türkiye And

the July 15, 2016 coup attempt where a faction of the army nearly overthrows him. Erdoğan’s worst nightmare is coming true. This failed coup d’etat marks a turning point in the country’s history, a repressive headlong rush, tipping Turkey among the worst authoritarian regimes. With the state of exceptionErdogan sits his absolute power. Now he’s not afraid to show his real facesince for years he has controlled all the cogs of the country.


Marie-Pierre Verotjournalist with the international editorial staff of Radio France
Ali Bayramoglujournalist and writer
Ahmet Inselpolitical scientist
Berk Esenpolitical scientist at Sabanci University
Can Dundarjournalist