End of life: the citizens’ convention mostly in favor of extending active assistance in dying

End of life: the citizens' convention mostly in favor of extending active assistance in dying

This is the conclusion of 27 days of hearings and debates spread over four months: The citizens’ convention on the end of life is delivering its work today. This convention is 184 citizens drawn by lot, whose mission was to answer ONE big question posed by the Prime Minister: “Should access to active assistance in dying be expanded?” Sensitive question for which this citizens’ convention was also to formulate a series of proposals.

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In France each year 7500 babies are born with ASD, Autism Spectrum Disorder. This represents between 1 and 2% of births. These are figures that have been increasing over the last decades and if the democratization of screening is partly responsible for this increase, it would seem that there is other factors, especially in our environment and lifestyleswhich contribute to the development of ASD in children. The professor of medicine and child psychiatrist Amaria Bagdadli is the guest of this journal.

The Marianne Cohort : long-term research project dedicated to studying the links between the environment and the development of Tessa*. “We are looking to recruit 1,200 families who are affected by having ever had an autistic child, we will compare them to families who have no family history of any type and therefore who have never had an autistic child. of children, who live with developmental disorders. We are going to follow the parents, the children for six years to detect among these children those who will develop developmental disorders, to try to relate this diagnosis that we will have identified with their factors of environmental exposure, in particular very early during pregnancy and the first two years of life, as well as with possible genetic factors that we will have identified in them in order to better understand the interactions between the genetic background and the very environmental exposures early, as well as development.”*

Amaria Bagdadli, professor of medicine at Montpellier University Hospital.

3 mins