Michael Caine, the rogue gentleman

The soundtracks of the week:

1) Laurent Levesque : Soundtrack from Like an actressmovie by Sebastien Bailly (released March 8, 2023)

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) International Music & Cinema Festival To Marseillesof March 27 to April 1.
Guest of honor: Nicole Garcia
France Musique is a partner of this Festival

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Trailer of Old fashioned heist of Zach Braff. With Michael Caine (2017)

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Trailer of impulses of Brian de Palma. With Michael Caine (1980)

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A program in partnership with the film club of Thierry Jousse:

Thierry Jousse offers you a new film club, now every Sunday, at the Nouvel Odéon (rue de l’École de Médecine, Paris 6th). A wandering in the history of cinema, from silent to the 90s, embellished with an essential exchange with the public.

David Lynch cycle, a tetralogy:
March 19: Lost Highway (David Lynch)
March 26: Mulholland Drive (David Lynch)

… and with the monthly magazine


Michael Caine, the rogue gentleman


– positive

Cine Tempo

58 mins