Thirteen million French people are running enthusiasts – Elle

Published on March 26, 2023 at 4:21 p.m.

Thirteen million French people are running enthusiasts

Thirteen million French people are runners – ©Tirachard Kumtanom

The confinement led to a discovery of activities hitherto unexplored among many French people. Among them, physical activity, particularly running. Easy and free, thirteen million people practice it regularly.

During confinement, physical activity was a derogatory reason for leaving home within a radius of one, then ten kilometers. The opportunity for some to discover the pleasure of outdoor sport. A practice that continues to be popular more than two years after the pandemic.

The Union Sport et cycle estimates that 1.4 million people started running during confinement. 73% of new runners have pursued the discipline in 2022. It is therefore not a fashion destined to disappear.

This is the case of Olivier Mimant, journalist at 20 Minutes. He got into running in 2020 to keep himself busy and got hooked pretty quickly. For him, the joy of being outdoors and breathing the country air really makes the difference, compared to running on a fitness mat. Today, he trains 3 to 4 times a week. The advantages are numerous according to him: “it allowed me to regain cardiorespiratory health and to surpass myself. I’ve never been so fit in my life, I’m fit and I eat what I want! »

The other side of the coin is the number of consultations for tendonitis with doctors. Indeed, according to doctor Denys Barrault, the risk of injury is high when you do not wear suitable shoes. He recommends “good shoes, light and above all shock-absorbing. »

Another proof of this growing interest in racing is the money the French spend on it in specialist shops. The turnover of sports shops has exploded since 2020. “All sports brands remain over two years with growth of around 20% in total and in particular in running. People went to equip themselves, “says Samih Khalef, vice-president of the commission dedicated to the Union sport and cycle.

The advantages of this practice are numerous: free, possibility of breathing in the open air, contemplation of different landscapes, and of course the health benefits, both in terms of breath and cardiovascular system. The race still has a bright future ahead of it.