Published on April 02, 2023 at 2:48 p.m.

©Backgrid UK/Bestimage
Time passes and the rules evolve within the royal family.
Like all children in the world, Prince George, 9, has very specific passions. If we already know that he loves football, creative activities and outdoor games, British royalty expert Tom Quinn revealed in the columns of Gala magazine one of the other passions of the brother of Princess Charlotte and the Prince Louis.
A passion to which his father, Prince William, did not have access.
Read also >> Royal wedding: Prince William and Kate Middleton, the fairy tale
Let the music !
Second in the order of succession to the throne after his father Prince William, Prince George will soon celebrate his tenth birthday and therefore knows very well what he wants. Like all the children of Kate Middleton and Prince William, Prince George had the opportunity to try out several musical instruments in order to choose the one that would be his preference. And against all expectations, it was towards the electric guitar that the young boy decided to turn. A real passion for the young prince who does not hesitate to make electric music resonate in the corridors of Buckingham Palace!
“I spoke to Prince George’s music teacher when George was at school at St Thomas Battersea, and he told me how much George loved the electric guitar. Never would a royal child have been allowed to play this instrument before Kate and William. He couldn’t have done anything other than the piano,” said the expert interviewed by Gala.
Unlike his father who was very guided in his choices during his childhood, Prince George received a more modern and voluntarily more “normal” education. A choice totally assumed by his parents who want the future king to have the right to a happy and joyful childhood, a childhood almost like that of all children.