The interview
The Post Office is changing. In a world where we send and where we receive fewer and fewer letters, the company is forced to invent a future.
Lately, it has put an end to the red stamp, launched experiments on a reduction in the number of mail carrier rounds, multiplied banking services… But also initiated meal delivery services and even examination of the Code of road.
What can this perpetual revolution lead to? To talk about it, Alexandra Bensaid receives Philippe Wahlthe CEO of the La Poste group.
Economic stories
2 min
Mobilization against pension reform: can we still believe in social democracy?
2 min
After triggering article 49.3 to pass its pension reform on March 20, the government ignited social anger. Demonstrations, strikes, spontaneous gatherings: in several cities in France, citizens have expressed their opposition to the postponement of the legal age and above all, their indignation at the method, provided for by the Constitution of the Fifth Republic but perceived as a passage in strength.
On March 22, in an interview with TF1 and France 2, Emmanuel Macron himself drove the point home, criticizing in particular the unions which, in his eyes, would not “proposed compromise“, attacking Laurent Berger, the general secretary of the CFDT. Always united, the unions accused in return the President of the Republic of “contempt“.
What does this dialogue of the deaf say about our social democracy? Anne-Sophie Lechevallier, journalist at
ReleaseAnd Marc Vignaudjournalist at
Opinionopen the discussion.
The report
Concerns around La Poste, a public service in perpetual revolution
10 minutes
For years, the subject of La Poste has remained mail attrition. And if there are parcels, more and more, we are witnessing a reduction in the number of letters over time… In January, the boss therefore announced the disappearance of the red stamp, the paper stamp which ensured the distribution of urgent letters the next day.
Here it is now transformed into a dematerialized stamp, as told Anaelle Verzaux in his report. For the moment, we really cannot speak of success: in mid-February, it was estimated that this red e-stamp was used around 3500 times a day…
More generally, La Poste must rethink itself and prune certain services to test others. A perpetual revolution that always creates concerns. Will its business model hold? And do so many changes still constitute a quality public service?
It’s happening there
It does not concern pensions, but on the other side of the Rhine, too, it is a social conflict that is also making the headlines!
The unions of trains, airports, freight or highways are mounting the pressure to obtain wage increases.
To the point that some voices in Berlin are worried about a tension that would become uncontrollable and a “French-style” social landscape! We talk about it with David PhilippotFrance Inter correspondent in Germany.
My life at work
This Saturday, Sandrine Foulon looks back on two important decisions of the Council of State, rendered on March 21 and which demonstrate that one should not joke with the psychosocial risks when a company launches a job protection plan…
A new world
2 min
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A co-edition Editions Radio France/Le Seuil, 192 pages, €26.50.