A nurse’s breast cancer recognized as an occupational disease – Elle

A nurse's breast cancer recognized as an occupational disease - Elle

Published on March 27, 2023 at 3:28 p.m.

After having spent more than twenty years of her life as a nurse at the Sarreguemines hospital, this retiree has succeeded in proving that her work had favored the appearance of her breast cancer, which she has suffered from for more than 10 years.

This is a first in France. The breast cancer of this 61-year-old former nurse was recognized last January as an occupational disease.

Now retired, the Mosellane won his case after working for 28 years at the Sarreguemines hospital center. At first in the cardiology department, then in the gynecology department. Suffering from breast cancer since 2009, her cancer was recognized as an occupational disease after many years of fighting, we learn in “Le Républicain Lorrain”.

“It is important that, from now on, the greatest number of employees and agents forced to work at night, at posts or at the exhibition of dangerous products know that their job is likely to make them sick”, report Brigitte Clément, secretary general of the CFDT-Minors to our colleagues from the “Parisien”.

Night work

In question: his too many nights spent in the hospital, promoting the disruption of the development of melatonin to fight against cancer. The National Institute for Safety and Research (INRS) considers that “exposure to shift work is associated with a statistically significant increase in breast cancer. »

Exposure to certain products or rays may also have favored the development of the disease.

Mosellane obtained monthly compensation equivalent to 35% of €1,198. His story could revive other similar cases. Indeed, in 2018, the CFDT had carried out a similar investigation in several health establishments in the region, but the file of this nurse, opened in 2020, is the only one to have succeeded.